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Re: OT: FYI: I'm in The Jewish Week!

Oops, that was January *23*, next to the last page...

Chava Willig Levy wrote:
> Shalom, all!  Just thought those of you in the New York area might enjoy
> an article I wrote for the "Back of the Book" feature of the current
> Jewish Week (January 2, next to the last page).  Entitled "Instant
> Grandparenthood," it pokes fun at a current fad that has wreaked havoc
> in our home.
> Hope you like it.
> Shabbat Shalom,
> Chava
> --
> Announcing (drumroll, please) the Chava Willig Levy Corner:

Announcing (drumroll, please) the Chava Willig Levy Corner:

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