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Re: another band name

I wanted to call our band the
"Cel-Rays," as a surf band parody.  I wasn't aware at the time that not
everybody knows about that marvelous elixir, Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray Tonic, a
celery-flavored soft drink peculiar to New York's kosher delis.  We can get
it in the supermarkets here, but only at Pesakh.  I stock up on it then, but
along about this time of year, it gets pretty flat...



I know this is a Jewish MUSIC list, but since you brought this up, I can't
resist putting this question to "the List" out there. Is it my imagination,
or have they changed the recipe of Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray Tonic? When I was a
kid in the 50s, I used to ALWAYS get it when my father took us to Katz's
Delicatessen on Houston Street, and no other time. I remember it as
being quite a bit less sweet, with a much more INTENSE celery flavor.
Are childhood tastebuds more impressionable -- does memory intensify
impressions -- or have they just "whitebreaded" it out like "they"
have so many other things? Now, what has this to do with Jewish music?
Well -- the same questions apply to Jewish music.

Anyway, I know I should really have posted this on SODA-L or DELI-L,
so would anyone who would like to participate in this survey please
reply to me directly at svzandt (at) igc(dot)apc(dot)org and I promise to post
only the results on this list. 


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