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Gib Mir Bessarabia

        Does anyone have the lyrics for Aaron Lebedeff's "Gib Mir Bessarabia"?  
I am
incorporating it into a vocal medley and would like to know what the correct
lyrics are, as I can't decipher all of them from the recording ("The Best of
Aaron Lebedeff," Greater Recording Company , GRC 182).  Most important to me
are the lyrics of the second B section, the one that begins with Lebedeff
intoning that catch-all Yiddish musical interjection, "Zets!"
        I would much appreciate all who can help.  By the way, though I have 
sat out
the discussion, I am finding this talk of labels very interesting, as it is
not simply theoretical.  My local HMV a few blocks away cares little for these
specific labels, lumping Ofra Haza's Mizrachi albums with Gershon Sirota's
liturgical arias and the Klezmatics' klez (or post-klez, meta-klez, Ur-klez,
or what-have-you) in the inappropriately catch-all "World Music-Jewish."  But
at least I know where to look. :)

-Barak Tulin

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