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Adjectives for Jewish Music

B"H Kiryas Arba

We create boxes. We escape boxes. We create boxes.
>well said, Ari. Or to put it in Hegelian terms:

thesis - antithesis - synthesis

Yet the question always returns, like the trumpet motive in Charles Ive's
The Unanswered Question....

Why can't we settle for the simplest form anymore, the "thesis"? Why the
horns, the clarinet,
the voices, the synthesizers? Must there be klezmer-organ,
klezmer-Christmas and
klezmer-New Age albums? If so, how do we get back to the Garden from here?

Why can't our melodies return to the simplicity of private prayer?

Wasn't it Voltaire who said that the majority of man's problems come about
due to
his inability to sit in one room quietly?


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