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Re: Decantor

Ari Davidow wrote:
> >Hm. And the rest of us Ba'alei Tefilla were praying fervently that
> >the Reform might stop allowing unqualified individuals
> >to be called "Rabbi"!
> I'm sorry. This does not belong on this list. Religious
> discussions, including who is or is not allowed to call
> him or herself a rabbi or a cantor need to be elsewhere.
> ari
> Ari Davidow
> The klezmer shack:
> owner: jewish-music mailing list
> e-mail: ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

Please help find or provide an alternative list for this important
discussion so that those of us who are "listening" and not actively
participating can follow it to its conclusion. 


Steven Lowenthal

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