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Klezmer Music & Urban Migration Studies

Got this from the Jewish-studies mailing list and thought this
might be interesting here, especially vis-a-vis the Philadelphia type
of klezmer music recently discovered.   Maybe someone here 
can also help

Reyzl Kalifowicz-Waletzky 

Date:    Thu, 4 Dec 1997 20:48:40 -0500
From:    Avi Hyman <ajhyman (at) oise(dot)utoronto(dot)ca>
Subject: Klezmer Music & Urban Migration Studies (Lebowitz)

From: ARIEH LEBOWITZ <CZGD08A (at) prodigy(dot)com>
Subject: Klezmer Music & Urban Migration Studies

The following interesting query is reposted from the list of the American
Jewish Historical Society.  Please respond directly to Charles H. Berg <
chb (at) world(dot)std(dot)com > as well as "here" on H-JUDAIC.
        >>  Arieh Lebowitz

From: chb (at) world(dot)std(dot)com (Charles H Berg)
Subject: Klezmer Music & Urban Migration Studies

A friend of mine is doing his doctoral dissertation in ethnomusicology on
the musical differences in klezmer music as played in different cities in
the US.  He is discovering that the differences are related to the
immigration vectors from specific towns in Europe to specific cities in
the US (obviously landsman want to hear the music from their area, so
either they hire the musicians that are landsman or they find musicians
who have learned the appropriate set of melodies).

I am looking for 2 types of studies to help my friend tie into his

  1.  Studies that have traced migration paths of Eastern European
       Jews between specific areas in Europe and specific cities in
       the US (over time).

  2.  Studies that look at intra-urban migration paths of Jews over

Any help would be appreciated.


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