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Re: Buying Klezmer on the internet

Recently, we have received many enquiries about the Dutch group "Di Gojim".
We have carried their recordings for at least 4 years.  There is however,
another group from Austria called "Gojim" which we have also carrie for a few
years. Many of the requests have gotten the two groups confused.  The Austrian
group is "Gojim"  the is no 'The" or "Di" in their name.

Today, we received a new CD by "Gojim"(Austria) called "In A Schtodt Woss
Schtarbt". This recording consists of Yiddish poetry of the 1920's from Vienna
set to music-from to rock. A good and unusual recording.

One more clarification.  Bente Kahan, the wonderful Yiddish singer from Norway
has a new CD called "Stimmen Aus Theresienstadt" (Voices From
Theresienstadt).The recording is not sung in Yiddish  it is sung in German and
is from a performance she did in Germany based on poems/songs of Ilse Weber
who died in the Holocaust in 1944.
Hatikvah Music
Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com

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