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Re: Jewish Classical Composers II

Dear Listers:

Someone was kind enough to reprint the letter with the misspellings and some
misinformation, and Idid miss some; so here are some more corrections:
Ernest Bloch preferred the Americanized spelling of his first name, not Ernst
(and he was Swiss although an American citizen).
Joseph Achron is the spelling I've seen of his name not "Ahron"
Aaron Copland not "Coplend"
Giacomo Meyerbeer not "Meyerber" as I mentioned already. 
Max Bruch, although he wrote a beautiful "Kol Nidre", was definitely not
Jewish (he came from a family of clerical Protestants) [There is the answer
to your question Chava Willig Levy about whether it was Bloch or Bruch who
was not Jewish. Bloch was.]

Another source that may or may not be in print is _Concise Encyclopedia of
Jewish Music_ by Macy Nulman (1975) McGraw-Hill; ISBN 0-07-047546-6. I wish
it would be updated and expanded, but is a great one-volume source of
information about Jewish music. Of course, there are the monumental scholarly
works of Abraham Zvi Idelsohn, but the prose gets pretty thick at times.

What are some of your (non-Klezmer) sources of information about Jewish
music? How's that for a non-Klez topic? I'll look forward to your answers.

Best wishes yet again,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

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