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Re: Celtic/Klez: Hip Radio that Doesn"t play Jewish Music

looking for radio programs that are on real audio.   there is a jewish
program out of tampa every sunday morning.  looking for more.

winston weilheimer
spiritual leader
Temple Israel of Deland (Florida)
-----Original Message-----
From: Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com <Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com>
To: World music from a Jewish slant. <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Date: Friday, November 21, 1997 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: Celtic/Klez: Hip Radio that Doesn"t play Jewish Music

>Los Angeles is very lucky to have a the fabulous public radio station,
>  Besides featuring all sorts of interesting music, every year the amazing
>general manager of the station, Ruth Seymour, does a 3 hour program on
>Yiddish music. I have been fortunate enough to be able to supply Yiddish
>recordings for the program for the last 8 years.  Ms. Seymour has an
>unbelievable collection of Yiddish music so I search the world for new
>"authentic" recordings.  No "Shmaltz-Shlock" on this program.  Since most
>the listeners are not Yiddish speakers, she will explain the meaning of the
>song as well as give a brief bio on the artist and composers.
>For the last 3 years I have been invited to be a guest on the highly
>acclaimed Tom Schnabel program "Cafe L.A." at Chanukah time.  I have played
>everything from Mickey Katz's"Kosher Mule Train" to Johnny Mathis' "Kol
>Nidre" and (my  main man) Jackie Wilson's "Yiddishe Mame".
>  Though Tom may be partial to Latin and Middle Eastern "World Beat" music
>is one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever met on ALL kinds of
>ethnic music. Don't get him started on Cantor Pinchiks"Rozo D'Shabbos".
>lly , he is NOT Jewish.
>  I have been after a famous Jewish singer--he's had over 2 dozen hit
>records-- to do a Jewish album.  He said he'd love to, but unfortunately,
>would only sit on the (warehouse) shelf.  I guess we need more Non Jewish
>stations to promote our music.
>Hatikvah Music Int.
>Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com

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