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Two songs of "Jewish Life in the Old Country"


I am a new member of this list. I live in Nuremberg, Germany. I have a
Could anybody send me the words of the songs "vi azoy s´iz nit git tsi
geyn zibn vokhn in a hemd" and "hob ikh mir a shpan"? Both songs are on
the recording "Jewish Life in the Old Country" which has an inlaid paper
with the texts of all the songs. I have ordered this record in the US,
but it will take some time until it will reach Nuremberg by ship, and I
would be glad to have the words earlier. (These songs are also in the
Vinkovetzky/Kovner/Leichter "Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs", but in a
very different text version. I am looking for the other one.)

Thanks in advance!

Monika Feil

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