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Cosmic Voices - Jewish Songs

Ashley Tugenghaft wrote:

>I'm looking for some musical notes for the latest Chasidic songs form
>Willinger, Mordechai Ben David,Avraham Freid, Miami Boys choir etc.
>anyone advise me which books in particular that are available for
>purchase.Thanks from Ashley Tugendhaft

    Dear Mr.  Tugenghaft,

    I read your note and I am sending you a project I would like to
realize with my choir. If this sounds interesting to you I could give
you more details.

    I am owner of women's folk choir "Cosmic Voices from Bulgaria" about

which I am including information at the end of this letter. In
cooperation with Prof. Doctor of Music Nikolai Kaufman we are arranging
a project of selected Jewish songs. The project includes 3 CDs as
    - first CD, Ashkenazi songs;
    - second, Sephardic songs;
    - third, Jewish songs from Balkan region.
Time of realization: 2 years.

    I would like to ask for your cooperation in finding a sponsorship
for the realization of this project. I would accept cooperation in the
distribution of the CDs also. The interesting sound that my choir  have
and the already recorded 9 songs make me confident for the success of
this music production that has no precedence in the world.
If you are interested I could send you these first records. I would like
to present this  music in 3 independent concert programs to be performed
on concert tours worldwide. I would be happy to make this with your

    The Choir performs Bulgarian Folk songs arranged by composers. We
have 3
concert programs each one of 70 min length. The choir was established on

July 11, 1994  by my company Emil Minev Artistic Management and has the
following patent certificates: Patent #3523/8.9.94 and is valid for
Bulgaria till 27.6.2004 and Patent #624113/21.10.1994 of Organisation
Mondiale de la Propriete Intellectuelle valid 20.10.2114. Since the
foundation choir conductor is Vania Moneva. The ensemble includes 22
women. My company performs sound recordings and produce CD with choir's
production. Up to now I have the first album "The Choice". My production

is registered in EAN under #3-800031-600012. Up to present moment I have

recorded and are due to be published 3 more CDs of the choir. I have
realized 2 TV movies and 2 TV clips. The choir works exclusively with
the composers Krassimir Kiurktchiiski, Nikolay Kaufman and Julia
Tzenova. We are performing contemporary music also. A film about my
choir will be issued on the British Channel 4 in April 1998.

    The choir had performed on concert tours in France, Spain, Austria,
Portugal, Netherlands.

Please, visit our web site: .

Wishing you success, we sign with
Kind regards,
    Emil Minev,

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email;internet: emam (at) musician(dot)org
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