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Re: Unsubscribe instructions

>As far as I know, you send an email to listproc (at) 

Actually, posting a message asking for help to the
list will work. I have unsubscribed the person in question.
Prayer is not known to have an effect, but all things are

Sending e-mail to me, the list moderator, will also work,
For help, you can visit the shamash web site (,
and look through the help files there, or you can send e-mail to 
   listproc (at) shamash(dot)org
with the one word message

What I always try to avoid are situations where people on the
list, not the list moderator, attempt to resolve these situations,
as the advice given is often close, but not quite close enough.

Finally, for those people who save messages, here is how to

Send e-mail to 
   listproc (at) shamash(dot)org        (our subscription service)
with the one-line message
   unsubscribe jewish-music    (note case)


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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