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Re: CD/tape source query

>Sholem aleyknem,
>A friend has asked me to find sources for the following CDs or tapes:
>        "Yikhes"
>        "Lomir Zingen a Yidish Lid" by  Gerry Tenney and Betty Albert Schreck
>They've been available at Klez Kamp, but that's not until December. He
>hasn't seen them in Tara's catalogue or website.  Does anyone know a mail
>order or www source?

I'd try the House of Musical Traditions,
or e-mail: hmtrad (at) hmtrad(dot)com, 7040 Carroll Ave Takoma Park, MD 20912. 
Tel: 301-270-9090, US toll free: 800-540-3794 / fax 301-270-3010.

I've reviewed both albums on my website,
so they could also look up the publishers and contact them
directly if HMT doesn't carry them. "Lomir Singen...." is on
Global Village, if memory serves, and Yikhes on Trikont, if
that helps.


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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