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Re: Three Weeks

Responding to the message of <v02140b00b0011e308997 (at) 
from jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org:
> >Who among us really will change our behavior, even in something so simple
> >as the 
> >playing of music? Will anyone on this list NOT play during the Three Weeks?
> >Or will 
> >NOT play for the Jewish community during that time -- out of PRINCIPLE?
> Alex, so far, you are the only person on this list who feels
> that this is a time when one should not play. Other participants,
> either do not feel this to be a correct determination of 
> Orthodox Halacha, or do not consider Halacha a relevant
> part of their lives. (I count myself in this latter group.)
> There is no challenge here (except to yourself, and I look
> forward to hearing what you are doing), so there is no reason
> I can think of why people would be modifying their behavior
> in this instance. 
> I do wonder, however, whether there are specific gigs that
> Jewish musicians would not, in general, take. There are 
> obvious ones--I think even the least religious among us would
> be unable to play a Yom Kippur bar mitzvah (despite the 
> wonderfully oxymoronic conception of such of thing), but
> what are the limits that being a Jewish musician plays
> on where or when one accepts gigs.
> ari
> .

As a composer, I've had a number of requests (paid commissions) to compose 
choral music for churches.  I've always complied on the condition that the text 
come from Jewish Scriptures and that I approve the translation.  I consulted 
with a couple of cantors, one Reform and one Conservative, before going ahead 
with any such project and they had no reservations whatever.  No church choral 
director has ever expressed any objection to my textual stipulations either.  If
anyone ever insisted on a Christian (or other non-Jewish sacred) text, I would 
refuse the commission.  I've set texts I wasn't crazy about, but I wouldn't set 
one that went against my principles.   

That's my personal take on Ari's question.  I can understand other musicians in 
similar situations responding differently and I'd be very curious to know their 
policies regarding non-Jewish religious organizations.  I've not personally 
encountered any other problem gigs, but it's not hard to imagine them.


Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American Studies
University of Minnesota
100 Ferguson Hall 
Minneapolis, MN 55455 
(612) 624-7840
(612) 626-2200 (FAX)

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American Studies
University of Minnesota
100 Ferguson Hall 
Minneapolis, MN 55455 
(612) 624-7840
(612) 626-2200 (FAX)

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