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RE: Learning Yiddish

> From: MX%"jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org" 24-JUN-1997 23:20:19.12
> Subj: Learning Yiddish

> Has anyone on the Jewish music list had success teaching themselves Yiddish? 
> If so, I would greatly appreciate hearing about your experience.  I'm pretty
> competent in synagogue Hebrew (can daven, leyn, etc.), but have no knowledge
> of German.  Are there effective materials out there (tapes, books) that you
> can recommend?
> Kol tuv,
> Andy Rubin
> The Freilachmakers Old Time String Band

There is a list called "Mendele" (after Mendele mocher sforim, the
author) that is devoted only to the subject of Yiddish.  The
members range from absolute beginners to some of the world's
greatest living authorities on the language.  Pose you question
to them and you will be flooded with ways to learn Yiddish
(though like any language, it is tough to learn it alone).  

The address for mendele is listproc (at) lists(dot)yale(dot)edu and the
technique of subscription is subscribe mendele <your name>

Whenever Yiddish is spoken on the list (which is very often),
Romanized letters are used so that one does not have a requirement
to be able to read it in Hebrew letters.

Good luck Andy.  If you join, you will see me on the list from
time to time.

Dan Leeson, Los Altos, California
Rosanne Leeson, Los Altos, California
leeson (at) olive(dot)fhda(dot)edu

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