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Mame-loshen 97

Hello Everybody:
    I just wanted to say that Mame-Loshen '97 was great this year and 
for me even better than last year.  The KCB was wonderful, as usual.  
I particularly enjoyed the addition of Jeff and Deborah for the 
Saturday night concert.  There were parties in the evenings where 
those musicians staying at Mame-Loshen got together with the "fans" 
and played and danced.  Micheal Alpert was an enthusiastic 
participant.  I got to tell Deborah how much I enjoyed her 
performances at the Merkin Hall NYBC readings of Yiddish authors and 
she thrilled me by telling me she recognized me in the audience.  I 
also saw Jeff and Deborah playing at the American Jewish Theatres 
performance of "The Golam of Vilna", they are a great team.  I wish 
them all the best.
    It was wonderful to be there to listen to Joseph and Chana Mlotek 
address the participants at this years Mame-Loshen.  May G-d continue 
to Bless them and their wonderful family.
    See you at KlezKanada.
    Abraham Malz

>Just checking... did Omega send you a copy of my Singing Waltz CD?  They said
>that they would...

Nope. Nothing yet. More important, how was Mame Loshn?
I wanted to go, but just started a new job (which I needed--
the exchequer was empty).


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

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