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RE: egg rolls and matzos

-----Original Message-----
From:   Dan Kazez [SMTP:KAZEZ (at) Wittenberg(dot)EDU]
Sent:   Friday, March 28, 1997 2:06 PM
To:     World music from a Jewish slant.
Subject:        egg rolls and matzos


>>I am Jewish. I make music. That music is Jewish. Period. End of discussion.
>>I am Jewish. Music others create touches my Jewish soul. That music is
>>Jewish. Period. End of discussion

>I visited Chicago over the weekend.  I had a great Chinese meal in Chinatown.  
And an even greater Thai meal in Hyde Park.
>Thank goodness the following never happened:

  > [Dan, in a Chinese restaurant.]

   >Dan:  "I travel the world in search of wonderful food.  
         I'd like to have some great Chinese food."

   >Waiter:  "OK, wait just 3 minutes."

   >[Waiter arrives with food.]

   >Dan:  "You've just brought me a hamburger.  Is this some 
         sort of joke?"

   >Waiter:  "I am Chinese, and I cooked this food.  So, this
            is Chinese food."

You didn't ask for chinese "style" food as prepared and eaten by Chines natives 
in China, so yes, the waiter was correct. Same is true for music. There is 
music that, stylistically, may be thought of as Jewish because it has some 
connection to text, or to nusach and trope, etc. That is music in a Jewish 
style. But as far as Jewish music or Chinese food,  my definition stands. The 
hamburger was Chinese food.

I love being a gadfly.

Shavua Tov.



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