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Re: Concerts

Dear Ari,

You wrote:

>>In fact, when I premiered Moshe's music at a concert of 
>>mostly non-"Jewish" music, the audience loved it.  I even 
>>got fan mail afterwards, with questions about his music!
>Well, at least some of the fan mail presumably relates
>to your playing--I didn't mean to take credit from you!

The composer can never honestly take all the credit for the success of a
performance - the successful performance of a work is always a collaboration
between composer and performer. 

In the present instance, I cannot congratulate and thank Dan enough for
bringing the work to fruition, and I am tremendously gratified that his
audiences have been touched by it.

Moshe Denburg
Band Leader/Manager
#12 - 719 East 31st Avenue,  Vancouver, B.C.,  Canada  V5V 2W9          
Tel. 604 - 879-8415--- Fax. 604 - 873-0501--- Email: denburg (at) direct(dot)ca 
Tzimmes Internet Address ----


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