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An invitation from New Renaissance

Hi Subscribers,

My name is Scott Schneider, an occasional contributor to discussions here.  
(In addition to being a big fan of Jewish music, I'm also a part-time jazz 

For those who are interested in a cerebral, creative, philosophical discussion 
of music of all genres, I encourage you to check out our new Internet Service:

New Renaissance

We have a New Renaissance discussion group, "musicforum," set up for unlimited, 
farreaching discussion of musical ideas. 

To subscribe, simply send the following command to listproc (at) 

subscribe musicforum yourfirstname yourlastname

e.g. George Gershwin would write 

subscribe musicforum George Gershwin

New Renaissance is a ground-breaking Internet Service offering "Philosophy for 
the Layperson," spanning diverse areas of human knowledge without the puffery 
formal academia. We strongly encourage the creative and artistic souls out 
to dive into our site. New Renaissance offers opportunities to script 
presentations, write articles, etc. - the possibilities are enormous and only 
constrained by your imagination. We can also be a useful networking tool. Our 
online New Renaissance magazine, available for your enjoyment at our Web site, 
welcomes you to the Service.

Hope to see you there - and here, too (don't want to lose touch with my Jewish 
musical roots and what's happening today).

Scott Schneider
Email: ScottSchneider (at) NewRenaissance(dot)com

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