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Talila Chante le Yiddish (Talila sings Yiddish) is on Le Chant du Monde, number 
LDX 274 956.  It's mostly in Yiddish as the title says, but there are a few 
Hebrew tunes, too.  Most of the repertoire would seem at home in a contemporary 
klez band (Bay mir bistu Sheyn, Papirossn, etc), but the style is rather like 
Jacques Brel, with either piano or accordion and double bass.  I love it, 
although I'm not sure it would be to everyone's taste.  I reviewed it (in tandem
with Rhythm and Jews) a few years ago for Ethnomusicology.  I thought both were 
admirably innovative without losing touch with tradition.  Still do.  My copy 
was sent to me and I have no idea where to get it, other than that it's a French

Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
Adjunct Professor of American Studies
University of Minnesota
100 Ferguson Hall 
Minneapolis, MN 55455 
(612) 624-7840
(612) 626-2200 (FAX)

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