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Airdates for Birthday of the World

(emailed to the Western Wind)

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From:           Self <KUSC/LMAYER>
To:             recordings (at) westernwind(dot)org
Subject:        Airdates for Birthday of the World
Date sent:      Wed, 28 Aug 1996 11:46:45

We have settled on the airdates for both parts of the
Birthday of the World specials.  It will now be broadcasted
on two consecutive Thursdays, Sept 12th and 19th at 9pm.
It had to be moved up a half hour due to our pledge drive, 
but this gave me the opportunity to talk programming into
also airing (for the second time) Mazal Bueno at 8:30pm
on the 19th (as we need to fill that night as there is
no fundraiser that evening).

Wishing you all a very good year and much success with
your projects of the Western Wind.

Larry Mayer
Operations Supervisor
KUSC Radio, Los Angeles

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