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(Fwd) Birthday of the World

Forwarded message:
From:     Self <KUSC/LMAYER>
To:       bjcohon (at) ix(dot)netcom(dot)com,reshet (at) 
Subject:  Birthday of the World
Date:     Tue, 13 Aug 1996 13:37:33

With Rosh Hashanah occuring Shabbat it may be a bit difficult
to plan to air two specials of The Birthday of the World with 
the Western Winds and narrated by Leonard Nimoy.  The station's
program manager wants to air these in the evenings on the weekend,
which doesn't give me many possibilities.  It looks like the
first show, THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD, PART I would be able to
air after 6pm on Sunday September 15th...or anytime during the
week.  THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD, PART II could possibly air
on the following Saturday evening after 8pm.


Larry Mayer
KUSC Los Angeles

P.S.  By the way, now that we have Karl Haas' Adventures in 
Good Music in the evening hours, its going to sound awkward
on Sept 13th when he does a Rosh Hashanah special at 7:30pm
when no one who's Jewish will be listening!

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