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Jewish Entertainment Resources Announcement

Dear Friends,

Please spread the word!

Jewish Entertainment Resources announces its new world wide web site:

Jewish Entertainment Resources is a worldwide network of entertainers who
make all or part of their living through the performance or presentation of
Jewish material: musicians, storytellers, actors, dancers, visual
artists, comedians, speakers, and educators. All have creative talents to
share and all have a similar mission to preserve Jewish heritage and
culture through artistic expression.

Jewish Entertainment Resources publishes a directory
featuring performers from all over the world. Those who are listed
in the directory will also be listed on our website.

Performers who wish to be listed in the 1996-97 directory should submit their
applications and fees no later than June 30, 1996.  Please visit our
website for more
information.  If you do not have a web browser, please email a request for
a listing
application to Judy Caplan Ginsburgh at:

        jerd (at) timetrend(dot)com

The Jewish Entertainment Resources Directory is a valuable tool for anyone
who would like to present all kinds of entertainment at Jewish community
centers, synagogues, schools, and other venues.  Please visit our website
for details on how to order your copy or email a request for information to
the address above.

Your questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.

The Jewish Entertainment Resources website is still under construction.  We
will announce further additions to the site as they become ready.


Joe Kurland
Webdesigner for JERD

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