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The Civic Center Synagogue For the Arts
(49 White Street, NYC) is presenting a
Concert/Lecture of Jewish Renaissance and
Baroque music, to be performed on original
instruments by the Manhattan Early Wind Ensemble
(Jeffrey Nussbaum; cornetto and recorders, Martha
Bixler; sackbut and recorders, George Hoyt and
Bob Suttmann; sackbuts, Paula Rand; dulcian and recorders,
and Kathryn Cok; harpsichord.)
The Event, "Jews in Renaissance Rome: An Evening
of Music and Food." will begin at 6:30 PM, Thurs. May 16th,
with champagne and a light buffet featuring authentic
and Kosher recipes of the Italian Renaissance.
Following the dinner, at 8PM The Manhattan Early Wind Ensemble
will perform works by S. Rossi, T. Lupo, G. Bassano,
J. Bassano, A. Bassano and Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro.
Jeffrey Nussbaum will present a brief lecture on Jewish
music in the Western Classical Music Tradition.
The event is a benefit for the Civic Center Synagoge.
Tickets for the buffet and concert are $50 and admission to
the concert alone is $20. Call (212) 693-0307.

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