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Technology and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Study


 I am interested in studying how advancements in technology affect our
study of Judaism. More specifically, I intend on completing a research 
paper studying how an instructional computer program, named Haftutor, 
helps Bar/Bat Mitzvah students learn their particular hebrew portions.

 I would very much appreciate if anyone familiar with Haftutor (or any
similar computer program) would contact me, and possibly engage in some
discourse. I'm very interested in the students' and instructors'
impressions of this form of instruction, and I am equally interested in
hearing from those who may disagree with this form instruction. 

 Please allow me to thank you in advance for the time you've spent reading 
this post, and for any help that I may ultimately receive.

Thank You,
Roman Roytman

Roman Roytman '98
rroytman (at) tufts(dot)edu

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