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TZIMMES Concert/Dance


This is for those of you in the Vancouver, B.C. area.

TZIMMES will be giving a Concert/Dance of Jewish and Middle Eastern Music,
at the El Caravan restaurant, 805 West Broadway, on Saturday March 30, 1996.
The deal includes a three course dinner, 4 hours of entertainment, and a
Belly Dance presentation. 

For further information, or to make reservations, call (604)875-8338.

This is the third in a series of performances at the El Caravan by
Vancouver's eclectic Jewish Music ensemble. TZIMMES takes you on a musical
journey to many cultural destinations - this is music with a global palette,
full of stylistic and emotional contrasts.

Our first two albums, 'Sweet and Hot' and 'A Lid for Every Pot' have
received fine reviews and many airings, including the CBC (The Gabereau
Show, The Max Ferguson Show, Disc Drive, Morningside) and National Public
Radio in the U.S. (All Things Considered).

If you're in the Vancouver area on March 30, 1996, come have a great time
with us.

Kol Tuv,

Moshe Denburg
Band Leader

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