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Klezamir Concert, Klezamir Website

Klezamir will present a CD release concert this Saturday evening, February
10, at 8 p.m. at The Sounding Board, 12 South Main Street, West Hartford,
CT.  Tickets are $8.00.  For more information, call The Sounding Board at
(603) 632-7547.  

For the best in roots rockin' Klezmer, come hear Klezamir, based in
Northampton, MA.  Our first recording, "Klezamir Cooks for Tante Barbara,"
has received wide acclaim.  

Check out Klezamir's new web site.  Our URL is:

To order CDs or cassettes, use the order form on our Web site or e-mail
Rhoda Bernard (lead singer) at rhoda (at) saturn(dot)net(dot)

Klezamir is:
Rhoda Bernard, vocals, percussion, piano
Jim Armenti, clarinet, guitar, mandolin
Amy Rose, flute, piano
Joe Blumenthal, bass
Neil Zagorin, drums

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