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Re: john zorn/masada

In a previous article, aek1 (at) ix(dot)netcom(dot)com (Alan E. Kayser) says:

>I presently have Zorn's Masada series volumes 1,2,3,5,6.  There's a
>released in Japan only volume 4 and a live volume not on Tzadik.  Help!

>From what I understand  number four was given out to anyone
who sent in proof that they had bought the other ones,
but that offer has sinced expired, so #4 is basically out of print.
Noah Schaffer
Brookline MA
Personal mail: bj193 (at) yfn(dot)ysu(dot)edu or nschaffer (at) bje(dot)org 
(less likely to bounce)
Newspaper Feedback: cadence (at) world(dot)std(dot)com

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