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course in Boston

The Music of the Jewish People
will be offered by the Jewish Music Institute at Hebrew College 
Wednesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., starting January 24
at the Newton Centre Campus of the Andover Newton Theological School
Prof. Joshua Jacobson, instructor
The course may be audited or taken for three credits.

An investigation into the roles that music has played in Jewish life from
ancient to modern times. Topics to be studied will include: music in the time
of the Bible, Rabbinic attitudes towards music, music and mysticism, the
development of the modes for prayer and scriptural cantillation, church and
synagogue music compared, music of the holidays and the life cycle, folk and
popular music in the diaspora, the development of art music in the modern
era, music in modern Israel. Prior knowledge of music is not required.

For further information call Janet Penn at 617-278-4958.
To register call Norma Frankel at 617-278-4944.

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