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Re: Dreydal song

jballie (at) primenet(dot)com (john balliew) wrote:

>I'm looking for the lyrics to "The little Dreydal Song"
>Thanks in advance!


Do you mean the Yiddish song "Ikh Bin A Kleyner Dreydl," which is
usually sung in English as "I Had A Little Dreydl"?

The Yiddish lyrics are:

Ikh bin a kleyner dreydl                                        
Gemakht bin ikh fun blay
To lomir ale shpiln
In dreydl eyns tsvey dray

Oy, dreydl, dreydl, dreydl
Oy, drey zikh, dreydl, drey
To lomir ale shpiln
In dreydl eyns un tsvey

Un ikh hob lib tsu tantsn
Zikh dreyen in a rod
To lomir ale tantsn
A dreydl-karahod

Oy, dreydl, dreydl, dreydl
Oy, drey zikh, dreydl, drey
To lomir ale shpiln
In dreydl eyns un tsvey

In English, there are several variations...but it's interesting to
note that the English dreydl is made out of clay, but the Yiddish one
is composed of lead. And the Yiddish one dances as well as spins!

Anita Bonita

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