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Re: Israeli Dance books / resources

        Check out a group called NIRKODA. They are an organization 
dedicated to Israeli folk dance. I forget whether they are in california 
or New York but by calling any Israeli Folk Dance teacher you ought to be 
able to find it. Check at any Y or JCC or some such for these folks. For 
that matter, they themselves may have the steps written out. There are 
also a series of recordings of these dances by Folkways records which 
include printed inserts with the steps. However, they USED to be available 
only on 45 rpm records and I assume Folkways is going to get around to 
transferring them to CD, although I don't know if they have done it yet. 
Hope this helps. 

Fred Jacobowitz,
Machaya Klezmer Band (and sometime folk dance teacher)

On Tue, 26 Dec 1995, Steve Rothkin wrote:

> I'm looking for some books or resources that describe (step-by-step
> instructions and pictures) how to do various Israeli dances (such as
> Od Lo Ahavti Dai, Erev Shel Shoshanim, Ta'am Ha'man, etc.).
> Any help would be appreciated.

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