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Re: DerBittler Stulgar

         I have never heard of this work. However, the piece which became 
"And The Angels Sing" is generally called "der Shtiller Bulgar" (the 
quiet bulgar). It is an old Romanian/Serbian tune which became a popular 
song in Romania. There are numerous recordings of it there in many guises 
and tempi. The Folklyric recording "Klezmer Music - The First Recordings 
(1910-1927) has a recording of it in a quite moderate tempo. If Secunda 
did in fact use it to put lyrics to, he certainly didn't compose the 
melody. The music is actually in print in one of the Kammen Dance Folios. 
It is listed as Freylakh #15 Romanian/Serbian. Hope this helps.

Fred Jacobowitz
Machaya Klezmer Band

On 22 Dec 1995, AlfAlfa wrote:

> Have been looking for any information on this work of Secunda? early to
> mid 1930's. If I am correct this is the piece that Ziggy Elman adapted
> Freilach in Swing- which became And the Angels Sing; in February of
> 1939. with lyrics added by Johnny Mercer and first sung My Martha
> Tilton.
> It is the oriiginal piece that I seek any information on"Der Bittler
> Stulgar". E mail to me any info. Most! appreciated. Thanks. Steve
> bigbands (at) ix(dot)netcom(dot)com

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