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Re: Cantillation Group: How do you handle multiple munach runs?

This is hard to answer with out singing or at least music paper. 
Generally in Torah Trope multiple munachs are sung by me with the notes 
F-A-G  until the last one which is sung as the partner to the sign which 
it preceeds. (This is assuming the key is "C" with Mercha starting on the 
third).   Call me at 215-844-1512 and I will sing it to you.

Cantor Sheldon M. Levin
slevin (at) mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us

On 19 Dec 1995, NSoltz wrote:

> My practice has been to read each munach separately. 
> Rabbi Ned Soltz

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