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Ask Kinky Friedman

Attention, Kinky fans....Kinky Friedman will answer questions December 6
through 13.  Bill Clinton's preferred mystery writer and Nelson Mandela's 
favorite country singer has just returned from a successful book and 
singing tour of South Africa where he learned that his albums entertained
political prisoners detained during the seventies and eighties (among 
them, Nelson Mandela). His latest novel, God Bless John Wayne (which 
involves John Wayne, Robert Louis Stevenson and Ruth Buzzi in Ratso's 
search for his true birth mother), is now number 2 in South Africa. The
Kinkster also has a CD out--From One Good American to Another--featuring
acoustic Kinky and also performances with the Texas Jewboys and Bob
Dylan's band.  Another book, The Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover, will be 
out in September (that's 1996).

Says Kinky, "I'll field any questions on Breaker Morant, Father Damian,
and any other spiritual trivia."

Stop by the Texas Talk section of the Texas Monthly web site to send Kinky
your questions. 

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