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Bnai Brith Jewish Music Festival 1995

              Bnai Brith Jewish Music Festival 1995

            ---  Sacred Music of Two Traditions  ---

            A Festival of Jewish and Christian Music

                         London, England

                      6 - 16 November 1995

The Bnai Brith Jewish Music Festival "Sacred Music of Two Traditions"
runs from 6th to 16th November with concerts, recitals, talks and
workshops in the City of London.

Festival Director, Geraldine Auerbach, who is chairman of the
Jewish Music Heritage Trust explains: "For the first time we
have devoted the festival to Jewish and Christian sacred music,
celebrating the diversity and kinship of the two great
traditions, from ancient chant to modern settings. This has
special relevance for us all in this fiftieth anniversary year
when we remember the end of the war against Nazi Germany and the
liberation of the concentration camps."

Festival Information Hotline: 0181-909 2445.
Press Office: 0171-435 5008.


The highlight of the programme is...

 A concert of Christian and Jewish Music at St. Paul's Cathedral
                       London EC4, England
                   Tuesday 14th November 1995
                             7.00 pm


His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, will be
the guest of honour.


                    Yehudi Menuhin, Conductor

Bloch: Sacred Service,
Mendelssohn: Magnificat,
Brahms: psalm settings,
Singer: Psalms for Today - a setting of the work of the Nicaraguan
  poet Ernesto Cardinale (world premiere).

Bob Borowsky, baritone, Australian cantor soloist who performs with
the Sydney Opera,
Andrew Lucas, organ,
Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, conducted by John Scott,
Collegiate Singers, directed by Andrew Millinger,
The Zemel Choir,
Alyth Choral Society.

The concert will be introduced by the Dean of St. Paul's.

St. Paul's Cathedral, Tuesday 14th November 1995 at 7.00 pm.
Tickets: Barbican Box Office, 0171-638 8891.


              Bnai Brith Jewish Music Festival 1995

              --  Sacred Music of Two Traditions  --

                     Full Festival Programme

                    ---------- * -----------

MON 6 NOV, 7.30 pm: Lecture: Early Jewish and Christian chant.
   Venue: Chapter House, St. Paul's Cathedral, London EC4.
   Under the auspices of the London Society of Jews and Christians.
   The lecturer will be Alexander Knapp who is Joe Loss Research
   Fellow in Jewish Music at City University, London.
   Admission is free. All are welcome.

TUE 7 NOV, 9.30 am - 10.30 pm: Study Day: Jewish and Christian Music.
   Daytime venue, 9.30 am - 5.30 pm:
      Advance registration required.
      City University, St. John Street, London EC1.
   Evening venue, 7.30 pm - 10.30 pm:
      Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield, London EC1.
   Tickets: Morning: #8 (concs #4), includes coffee and Lunch
               (Kosher bagels).
            Afternoon: #8 (concs #4), includes Lunch (Kosher bagels)
               and tea.
            All daytime ticket: #14 (concs #7), includes coffee,
               Lunch (Kosher bagels) and tea. Students free, but
               for free place including food, students must book
               in advance.
            Evening concert ticket: #10, #15 (Study Day registrants
               and concs #8)
   Daytime events:
      Advance registration is required. Telephone: 0181-909 2445.
      Venue: Performance Area, Music Department, City University,
             St. John Street, London, EC1. Telephone: 0171-477 8283.
       9.30 am - 10.30 am: The Bible as Song.
                           Rabbi Mark Solomon explains traditional
                           cantillation of the Holy Book.
      10.30 am - 11.00 am: Morning coffee.
      11.00 am - 12.00 pm: Psalms, Hymns and Canticles in Gregorian
                           Christian flowering from Jewish seeds
                           by renowned expert Dr. Mary Berry of
                           Cambridge University.
      12.00 pm -  1.00 pm: Round table discussion: The relationship
                           of early Jewish music to early Christian
       1.00 pm -  2.00 pm: Lunch session.
       2.00 pm -  5.00 pm: Masterclass in Cantorial Art.
                           Leslie Seymour, bel canto vocal teacher,
                           and Cantor Moshe Haschel of the Finchley
                           Synagogue, will coach singers in technique
                           and interpretation.
   Evening event:
       7.30 pm - 10.30 pm: Concert: Psalms, Hymns and Canticles in
                           Gregorian Chant.
      Venue: Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield,
         London EC1.
      Internationally renowned group Scola Gregoriana, conducted by
      Dr. Mary Berry.
      Tickets: #10, #15 (concs and Study Day registrants #8).

WED 8 NOV, 1.10 pm: Recital: Jewish Melody and Prayer.
   Venue: Church of St. Anne and St. Agnes, Gresham Street, near
          Aldersgate Street, London EC2.
   Miriam Kramer, violin, and Catherine Summerhayes, piano, play works
   by Bloch, Warshavsky, Shemer, Bach and Handel.
   Admission is free, (Music and Worship, retiring collection).

WED 8 NOV, 7.30 pm: Concert: Jewish Liturgical Music.
   Venue: Sandy's Row Synagogue, Sandy's Row, off Middlesex Street,
      London E1.
   Cantor David Apfel and the Choir of Leeds Beth Hamedrash Hagadol
   Synagogue perform in the oldest surviving Ashkenazi Synagogue in
   Tickets: #10 (concs #5). Telephone: 0181-909 2445.

THU 9 NOV, 1.15 pm: Lunchtime Recital: Sacred and Secular Song.
   Venue: Sternberg Centre for Judaism, 80 East End Road, London N3.
   Outstanding young musicians Alexandra Valavelsky, soprano and
   Mark Gasser, piano, play Bloch, Milhaud, Gershwin.
   Tickets: #1.50, telephone: 0181-346 2288 or at the door.

THU 9 NOV, 2.45 pm: Visit: Jewish Social History.
   Venue: Jewish Museum (Finchley), Sternberg Centre for Judaism,
      80 East End Road, London N3. Telephone: 0181-346 2288.
   Guided tour of displays on Jewish social history and special
   exhibitions relating to the British Jewish experience during World
   War II.
   Entrance: #2 (concs #1) at the door, or telephone 0181-349 1143.

FRI 10 NOV, 6.30 pm: Kristallnacht Commemoration Service.
   Venue: Belsize Square Synagogue, 52 Belsize Square, London NW3.
      Telephone: 0171-794 3949.
   A congregation with its roots in Germany and central Europe
   recalls the national pogrom of the 9th November 1938 that
   shattered Germany's Jewish Community.
   Admission is free.

SUN 12 NOV, 10.00 am: Cello Workshop: Bruch and Bloch.
   Venue: Ben Uri Gallery, 21 Dean Street, Soho, London W1.
   Dazzling young cellist Liam Abramson leads a workshop on Kol Nidre
   and Schelomo. Bring your cello or just come to listen.
   Tickets: #6 (concs #4) at the door, or telephone 0171-437 2852.

SUN 12 NOV, 2.00 pm: Talk: The trumpet of Ancient Jericho.
   Venue: Jewish Museum (Camden), Raymond Burton House, 129-131
      Albert Street, Camden Town, London NW1.
   An introduction to the Shofar (ram's horn) and its musical and
   religious significance, by musicologist Dr Malcolm Miller and
   the Shofar Ensemble.
   Tickets: #5 (concs #4), or telephone 0171-284 1997.

SUN 12 NOV, 8.00 pm: Gregori Schechter's Klezmer Festival Band.
   Venue: Sternberg Centre for Judaism, 80 East End Road, London N3.
   Concert featuring toe-tapping Jewish folk music from Eastern
   Europe, presented by the Manor House Society.
   Tickets: #10.50 (members #7.50, students and concs #5.00) or
     telephone 0181-346 2288.

TUE 14 NOV, 4.00 pm: Talk: Ernest Bloch's Sacred Service.
   Venue: Music Department, City University, St. John Street,
      London EC1. Telephone: 0171-477 8283.
   Suzane Bloch, former professor at the Juilliard School of Music
   and daughter of the composer, will give a pre-concert talk on
   the Sacred Service. Tea available from 15.30.
   Admission is free.

TUE 14 NOV, 7.00 pm: Concert: St. Paul's Cathedral, in the presence
   of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
   Venue: St. Paul's Cathedral, London EC4.
   Bob Borowsky, cantor, Collegiate Singers, Zemel Choir and Alyth
   Choral Society, Andrew Lucas, organ, in Bloch's Sacred Service
   conducted by Yehudi Menuhin. Collegiate Singers in Malcolm Singer's
   Psalms for Today (world premiere), conducted by Andrew Millinger.
   Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral in Mendelssohn's Magnificat and
   psalm settings by Hylton Stewart, Brahms and Joseph Horovitz,
   conducted by John Scott.
   Tickets: #5-#30. Barbican Box Office 0171-638 8891.

WED 15 NOV, 5.00 pm: Talk: Music in Germany 1933-1939.
   Venue: Ben Uri Gallery, 21 Dean Street, Soho, London W1.
   Talk by Clive Marks. Chairman: Michael Haas, producer of a series
   on so-called Entarte Musik for Decca Records.
   Tickets: #3.50 (concs #2.50), 0171-437 2852 or at the door.

WED 15 NOV, 7.30 pm: Organ Music: The Jewish Heritage.
   Venue: Notre Dame de France, 5 Leicester Place, off Leicester
      Square, London WC2.
   Recital by Bridget Marshall on this exceptional organ. Works by
   Milhaud, Bloch, Lewandowski, Mendelssohn and Alkan.
   Tickets: #5 at the door.

THU 16 NOV, 7.30 pm: Concert: A Celebration of Psalms.
   Venue: St. Giles Cripplegate, London EC2 (intersection of Wood
      Street and Fore Street, opposite Barbican Centre.)
   Esterhazy Singers conducted by Nicholas Bannan, North Western
   Reform Synagogue Choir, Vivienne Bellos, cantor. Christian and
   Jewish psalm settings.
   Tickets: #10 (concs #6), telephone 0181-909 2445.


              Bnai Brith Jewish Music Festival 1995

            ---  Sacred Music of Two Traditions  ---

                         Related Events


TUE 24 OCT, 8.00 pm: Always at your service.
   Venue: Yakar Study Centre, 2 Egerton Gardens, London NW4.
      Telephone: 0181-202 5551/5552.
   A Survey of synagogue music from the 17th century to the 20th
   century by Barry Weinberg.
   Tickets: #3.50 (concs #2.50) at the door.

FRI 3 NOV, 6.30 pm: Friday Evening Service.
   Venue: North Western Reform Synagogue, Alyth Gardens, London NW11.
   Alyth Kids Choir singing upbeat American and Israeli settings.
   Admission is free. Telephone: 0181-455 6763.

9 - 23 NOV: Duo Dmitri from Israel play piano and flute.
   Touring to Dublin, Manchester, Sheffield, Cardiff, Glasgow and
   Details: British-Israel Arts Foundation, telephone: 0171-435 9878.

SUN 12 NOV, 10.00 am: Guided walk in Whitechapel and the Jewish East End.
   Meet at Whitechapel Underground Station (Metropolitan and District
   Tickets: #5. Arranged in association with the Jewish Museum
      (Finchley), telephone: 0181-349 1143.

TUE 14 NOV - SUN 10 DEC, 8.00 pm: The Holocaust Trilogy, by Julia Pascal.
   Venue: New End Theatre, 27 New End, London NW3.
      Telephone: 0171-794 0022.
   In repertory (a different play each night):
      a.. Theresa - a dance theatre work of 90 minutes with music
          composed by Kyla Greenbaum.
      b.. A Dead Woman on Holiday - a love story set in the
          Nuremburg Trials.
      c.. The Dybbuk - a modern play inspired by Anski's great
          Yiddish classic.
   Tickets: #12, #10 (concs #5). You can see the entire Trilogy on
      a Sunday, starting at 3.00 pm, tickets #24 (concs #12).
   Special events after performances, #1 (see below: 25 & 29 Nov,
   9.30 pm).

SAT 18 & SUN 19 NOV, 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm: Montiverdi: Vespers of 1610.
   Venue: Stationers' Hall, off Ave Maria Lane, near Ludgate Hill,
          London EC4.
   Fiori Musicali. Presented as part of the St. Ceciliatide Inter-
   national Festival of Music.
   Tickets: #12-#20, including reception or telephone 0171-589 2425.

SUN 19 NOV, 7.00 pm: Bach: Vespers, Cantata no. 52.
   Venue: Church of St. Anne and St. Agnes, Gresham Street, near
      Aldersgate Street, London EC2.
   Performed in a Lutheran service as Bach originally intended, plus
   Brandenberg Concerto no. 1. Part of the Music and Worship series.
   Retiring collection.

TUE 21 NOV, 8.00 pm: Great Cantors of the Past.
   Venue: Yakar Study Centre, 2 Egerton Gardens, London NW4.
      Telephone: 0181-202 5551/5552.
   Illustrated talk on the great cantors by Rev. Reuben Turner,
   followed by a discussion: chairman, Bernard Garbacz.
   Tickets: #3.50 (concs #2.50) at the door.

SAT 25 NOV, 8.00 pm: Jewish Music and Song (plus supper).
   Venue: Kingston Liberal Synagogue, Rushett Road, Long Ditton,
   Andrea Rivers Baron, soprano, Alexander Knapp, piano, Giddey Quartet.
   Music from the Sephardic tradition.
   Tickets: #15 (students #10). Telephone: 0181-390 5982, 0181-398 7400.

SAT 25 NOV, 9.30 pm: Songs of Ashes.
   Venue: New End Theatre, 27 New End, London NW3.
   Words and music by Julian Dawes.
   Tickets: #1 at the door, or telephone 0171-794 0022.
   Special event: see "Holocaust Trilogy", Tue 14 Nov, above.

MON 27 NOV, 7.30 pm: From Jewish Life.
   Venue: Wigmore Hall, 36 Wigmore Street, London W1.
   Recital by Paul Marleyn, cello, with John Lenehan, piano.
   The programme includes Bruch's Kol Nidre, Bloch's Meditation
   Hebraique, From Jewish Life, works by Mendelssohn, Bernstein and
   Tickets: telephone 0171-935 2141

WED 29 NOV, 9.30 pm: Cabaret by Candlelight.
   Venue: New End Theatre, 27 New End, London NW3.
      Telephone: 0171-794 0022.
   Alexandra Valavelsky sings Weill, Eisler, Gershwin and others.
   Tickets: #1 at the door, or telephone.
   Special event: see "Holocaust Trilogy", Tue 14 Nov, above.

SUN 3 DEC, 6.30 pm: Dreams of Anne Frank.
   Venue: North Western Reform Synagogue, Alyth Gardens, London NW11.
   A play with songs by the youth drama group of Alyth Academy of
   Performing Arts.
   Tickets: #3 at the door, or telephone 0181-455 6763.

THU 7 DEC, 7.30 pm: Lucie Skeaping and the Burning Bush.
   Venue: St. Albans Cathedral, St Albans, Herts.
   St Albans Council of Christians and Jews celebrates Chanukah/
   Christmas with a vocal and instrumental tour of Jewish music
   through the centuries.
   Tickets: #8.50 (concs #7.50). Telephone: 01727-860 780 or 836 223.

Philip J. Leonard
mike (at) order(dot)ph(dot)utexas(dot)edu

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