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Sunday Morning Klezmer, I heard a sound and ...


My name is Jacob Freedman, and I am the Host/Producer of
Sunday Morning Klezmer and Other Jewish Music. I am looking for
recordings and related background materials, for the station's
music library. Also, any help with the stations "back catalogue"
( older recordings ) library would be greatly appreciated.

The show airs on Sundays, 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time.

The station is located at Burlington County College, Pemberton,
Burlington County, New Jersey, United States of America.

Station Facts: WBZC-FM ( Licensed to Burlington County College )

              - Frequency 88.9 Mhz FM

              - 7,500 Watt Stereo FM ( Peak Power )

              - Antenna Height on Tower @ 250 Feet ( 77 Meters )

              - The Broadcast Coverage Area; includes,
                parts of the following New Jersey Counties,
                Atlantic, Camden, Burlington, Gloucester, Ocean,
                and some parts of Eastern Pennsylvania; including

              - The Primary Broadcast Coverage Area has a population
                of over half-million people.

If you know of any Israeli/Jewish/Klezmer/Yiddish music performers,
please ask them to send me their recordings and background information;
also some scripting for "on-air" introductions of the music, as if the
performers were introducing themselves.

I am also looking for the following:

*  English language recordings of Israeli/Jewish/Klezmer/Yiddish
   comedy, folklore, theater, etc. .

*  General background material,on Israeli/Jewish/Klezmer/Yiddish
   entertainment and music; for on-air fill.

*  Guests and Guest Hosts for my show.
   I can pre-record interviews and segments, during the
   week or guests can come to the studio, for the show.

If you know of a Jewish Performance or Public Event, in Eastern
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or New York City ; please send me the
press kit and I'll air the Performance or Event schedule.

Materials and tickets for on-air contests would be appreciated,
but not required.

Mailing Address:

                 Jacob Freedman, Host/Producer
                 Sunday Morning Klezmer
                 Burlington County College
                 County Route 530
                 Pemberton, NJ USA 08068-1599

Internet Address:  Jacob(dot)Freedman (at) vmp-bbs(dot)com

Fax Number:        609-894-9440
                   ( Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST only )
Telephone Numbers:

Home Office: 609-235-3819 ( Messages )

Station Numbers:

Music Office: 609-894-9311 Ext. 7592

Drew Jacobs; Station Manager - 609-894-9311 Ext. 7223
                               ( Radio Show Verification Calls Only )



  Here is the list of Klezmorim and Other Jewish Performers,
  who have contributed their music to WBZC's Jewish Music Library:

  Yatzliakh Yisrael Abrahami         Old World Folk Band
    - Mahpechhah RuHani                - Hot Tracks
  American Jewish                    Safam
  Song Festival(1994)                  - Greatest Hits Volumes I & II
  Austin Klezmorim                     - On Track
    - East of Odessa                   - The Greatest Scheme of Things
  Sid Beckerman                      Schlock Rock
    - Klezmer Plus                     - Bring Back That Shabbos Feeling
  Rhoda Bernard                        - Emunah
  Brave Old World                      - Jewish Pride
    - Beyond the Pale                  - Learning is Good !
    - Klezmer Music                    - Lenny and the Shlockers
  Baruch & Samuel Cohon                - Magical History Tour
    - Generations                      - Purim Torah
  Craig & Co.                          - Songs of the Morning
    - My Jewish Discovery              - We're Coming Back
  Doug Cotler                          - To Unite All Jews
    - Down Home                      Shashmaqam
    - Echos                            - Music of the Bukharan
    - It's So Amazing                    Jewish Ensemble
    - Listen                         Shirim
    - Whispers in the Wind             - ...angels and horseradish
  Larry Eschler                        - Naftule's Dream
    - The Gift                       Moshe Skier
  Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band           - Kabbalah
    - Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band       - Rock of Sages
    - Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band     Lenny Solomon
      Agada                            - Manual for the Moral Minded
  Judy Frankel                       Sounds of Genesis and Exodus
    - Sephardic Songs of             Toronto Klezmer Band
      Love and Hope                    - Uri and His Russian Relatives
  Debbi Friedman                     Voice of the Turtle
    - In the Beginning                 - Under the Aegean Moons
  Judy Caplan Ginsburgh              Hillel Zakai
    - Boker Tov                        - b'shir
    - Chag Sameach
    - Channukah Favorites
    - Shalom Yeladim
  Robyn Helzner
    - A Fire Burns
    - Clap Your Hands
    - I Live in the City
  Debby Jones
  Daniel Kazez \ Eric Street
    - Music on a Jewish Theme
      (Brief Introductions)
    - Music on a Jewish Theme
      (Long Introductions)
  Faye Kellerstein
    - Feygele Zingt
  The Klezmatics
    - Rhythm+ Jews
  Klezmer Conservatory Band
    - Jumpin Night in
      the Garden of Eden
    - Live
    - Old World Beat
  Klezmer Pioneers
    - European and
      American Records
  The Klezmorim
    - Metropolis
    - Prayer for Peace
  Dana Mase
    - Diary
    - Sitting with an Angel


Here is a brief list of Jewish Music Information,
available on the Internet.

From: ari (at) emf(dot)emf(dot)net (Ari Davidow)
Subject: More Klez stuff online!
Date: 4 Jul 95 20:16:26 GMT ( Updated 01-Oct-95 )

     I've been in love with klez for about fifteen years--ever since
     Santa Cruz Klez and Bluegrass musician Jeff Brody was brought back
     from a party by a friend of mine at 2am just so he could play some
     tapes for me. This is called "Ari Davidow's Klez Picks" because I
     have my own ideas of what I want to hear in a klez band, and in what
     I value. I'm into the klez revival sounds that continue the growth
     of klezmer as a Jewish fusion of the world of music around us. This
     is not the place to read about musicians I tend to regard as
     shlockmeisters pandering to shmaltz and a rosy view of what was,
     such as Giora Feidman. Same name for the music. Same inspiration.
     But, "been there and done that" and it's no longer my scene.

 What's new on these pages

     * More letters, including lots of interest in klez from Europe, in
       the feedback pages, updated 9/27/95.
     * Contact information for klezfolk, and places to get klez
       recordings, music, and info, updated 9/29/95.

Ah, yes. The klez revival in the form of my klezmer home
page continues apace. Based on users' letters (also
available online), there is more information on the featured
groups and albums, and several new bands are now reviewed:


Can reviews of the magnificent Flying Bulgars or Finjan or
Geduldig un Thimann be far behind?!! The gloves are off!
We're having a bag of fun. Come visit at:

If you aren't reading this announcement on,
or through the mirrored jewish-music mailing list, you can
subscribe to the jewish-music mail-list.
( see Jewish-Music Mail-List Admininistrativa )

Have fun!
Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com


Jewish Music Gopher, Mail-List, Usenet News Conference,
World Wide Web Sources
Usenet News Conference

A - Z of Jewish & Israel Related Resources

Italian-Jewish Network

Jewish-Music List Archive

Judaism and Jewish Resources

RadioHazak -- Internet Center For Israeli Pop Music

Yiddish Voice, A Yiddish Radio Show; Boston, MA
WUNR 1600 AM/Brookline - Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m.

Jewish-Music Mail-List Admininistrativa

Admininistrativa, such as joining the list, leaving the list, or
searching the archives are all handled by the listserv software on
Nysernet. The address for these administrative requests is:

listserv (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org

[ or   smart_machine!!listserv  ]

To join the list send a message to the above address which contains
the line:

     subscribe jewish-music Your_first_name Your_last_name

where you put your name in the appropriate spot above.

To leave the list, send a message to the above address which
contains the line:

     signoff jewish-music

To change your email address, send a signoff command from your
current/old address and then send a subscribe message from the new

If you have any problems, or the above either does not work for you
or doesn't make sense, please send me email and I will get things
done manually.

Ari Davidow
jewish-music moderator
jmusic (at) nysernet(dot)org


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