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Sunday Morning, The music plays on...


My name is Jacob Freedman, and I am the Host/Producer of
Sunday Morning Klezmer and other Jewish Music. I am looking for
recordings and related background materials for the station's
music library. Also, any help with the stations "back catalogue"
( older recordings ) library would be greatly appreciated.

The show airs on Sundays, 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Eastern Time.

The station is located at Burlington County College, Pemberton,
Burlington County, New Jersey, United States of America.

Station Facts: WBZC-FM ( Licensed to Burlington County College )

              - Frequency 88.9 Mhz FM

              - 7,500 Watt Stereo FM ( Peak Power )

              - Antenna Height on Tower @ 250 Feet ( 77 Meters )

              - The Broadcast Coverage Area; includes,
                parts of the following New Jersey Counties,
                Atlantic, Camden, Burlington, Gloucester, Ocean,
                and some parts of Eastern Pennsylvania; including

              - The Primary Broadcast Coverage Area has a population
                of over half-million people.

If you know of any Israeli/Jewish/Klezmer/Yiddish music performers,
please ask them to send me their recordings and background information;
also some scripting for "on-air" introductions of the music, as if the
performers were introducing themselves.

I am also looking for the following:

*  English language recordings of Israeli/Jewish/Klezmer/Yiddish
   comedy, folklore, theater, etc. .

*  General background material,on Israeli/Jewish/Klezmer/Yiddish
   entertainment and music; for on-air fill.

*  Guests and Guest Hosts for my show.
   I can pre-record interviews and segments, during the
   week or guests can come to the studio, for the show.

If you know of a Jewish Performance or Public Event, in Eastern
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or New York City ; please send me the
press kit and I'll air the Performance or Event schedule.

Materials and tickets for on-air contests would be appreciated,
but not required.

Mailing Address:

                 Jacob Freedman, Host/Producer
                 Sunday Morning Klezmer
                 Burlington County College
                 County Route 530
                 Pemberton, NJ USA 08068-1599

Internet Address:  Jacob(dot)Freedman (at) vmp-bbs(dot)com

Fax Number:        609-894-9440
                   ( Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST only )
Telephone Numbers:

Home Office: 609-235-3819 ( Messages )

Station Numbers:

Music Office: 609-894-9311 Ext. 7592

Drew Jacobs; Station Manager - 609-894-9311 Ext. 7223
                               ( Radio Show Verification Calls Only )



  Here is the list of Klezmorim and other Jewish Performers,
  who have made contributions to the WBZC's Jewish Music Library:

  Yatzliakh Yisrael Abrahami         Old World Folk Band
    - Mahpechhah RuHani                - Hot Tracks
  American Jewish                    Safam
  Song Festival(1994)                  - Greatest Hits Volumes I & II
  Austin Klezmorim                     - On Track
    - East of Odessa                   - The Greatest Scheme of Things
  Sid Beckerman                      Schlock Rock
    - Klezmer Plus                     - Bring Back That Shabbos Feeling
  Rhoda Bernard                        - Emunah
  Brave Old World                      - Jewish Pride
    - Beyond the Pale                  - Learning is Good !
    - Klezmer Music                    - Lenny and the Shlockers
  Baruch & Samuel Cohon                - Magical History Tour
    - Generations                      - Purim Torah
  Craig & Co.                          - Songs of the Morning
    - My Jewish Discovery              - We're Coming Back
  Doug Cotler                          - To Unite All Jews
    - Down Home                      Shashmaqam
    - Echos                            - Music of the Bukharan
    - It's So Amazing                    Jewish Ensemble
    - Listen                         Moshe Skier
    - Whispers in the Wind             - Kabbalah
  Larry Eschler                        - Rock of Sages
    - The Gift                       Lenny Solomon
  Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band           - Manual for the Moral Minded
    - Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band     Sounds of Genesis and Exodus
    - Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band     Voice of the Turtle
       Agada                           - Under the Aegean Moons
  Judy Frankel                       Hillel Zakai
    - Sephardic Songs of               - b'shir
      Love and Hope
  Debbi Friedman
    - In the Beginning
  Judy Caplan Ginsburgh
    - Boker Tov
    - Chag Sameach
    - Channukah Favorites
    - Shalom Yeladim
  Robyn Helzner
    - A Fire Burns
    - Clap Your Hands
    - I Live in the City
  Debby Jones
  Daniel Kazez \ Eric Street
    - Music on a Jewish Theme
        (Brief Introductions)
    - Music on a Jewish Theme
        (Long Introductions)
  Faye Kellerstein
    - Feygele Zingt
  The Klezmatics
    - Rhythm+ Jews
  Klezmer Conservatory Band
    - Jumpin Night in the Garden of Eden
    - Live
    - Old World Beat
  Klezmer Pioneers
    - European and American Records
  The Klezmorim
    - Metropolis
    - Prayer for Peace
  Dana Mase
    - Diary
    - Sitting with an Angel


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