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Hassidic Music for the High Holidays

Hi.  I'm trying to gather hassidic-style music to use in leading
davenning during high holidays.  I'm just starting to search, so please
excuse this really preliminary list of ideas/sources that I've accumulated
so far.

Two sources that I know of (so far!) are:

    (1) one of the Modgitz Classics albums includes melodies specifically for 
        high holidays (as well as pesach and purim);

    (2) the two-volume set of Shlomo Carlebach Rosh Hashana albums.

Also, the Breslover songbooks (I forget which volume) mention that they plan to 
put out a tape of Rosh Hashana album.  Does anyone know when this is likely
to come out?

Any/all ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Doug Wissoker                            E-Mail: Wissoker (at) 

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