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Fwd: Library of Congress Folklife Center Endangered (fwd)

Forwarded message:
From:   sag (at) coe(dot)Berkeley(dot)EDU (Steve Goldfield)
To:     otr (at) rufus(dot)Berkeley(dot)EDU
Date: 95-06-20 18:41:56 EDT

I'm forwarding this to OTR at Margo's request:
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 1995 16:02:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: margo (at) Euclid(dot)DnE(dot)WVNET(dot)EDU (Margo Blevin)
Subject: Folklife Center endangered....

I've just learned that the Library of Congress Folklife Center is in
danger of being eliminated. I received a call letting me know that an
amendment was slipped into a bill due to come up before the House for a
vote tomorrow. the amendment, introduced by Rep. Rom Davis (R) of
Virginia, proposes to eliminate the entire budget for the Lib. of Congress
Folklife Center. No need to tell any of you why it is important to stop
this. I hope there's enough time for people to hear about this and contact
their congressperson to express their opposition.

I have posted this to folktalk; if someone will post this information to
other lists on the internet, that will help.

Margo Blevin
Margo Blevin                            margo (at) 
Augusta Heritage Center                
Davis & Elkins College                  FAX # 304-636-0068 (home)  
Elkins, WV 26241

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