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Re: Highlights from Jewish Perspective (E-Mail Journal)

Roger Harris (rwsh (at) tdc(dot)dircon(dot)co(dot)uk) wrote:
: arubyan (at) ic(dot)net wrote:
: : : The Reason We Eat Matzoh 
: : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
: : ... no one ate it voluntarily, unless there was some sort of Jenny  
: : Craig plan in Egypt.  
: Arguing a case via analogies or metaphors is often risky.
: What is a "Jenny Craig" plan?
It's an American corporate weight loss scheme.  You pay them, they teach
you how to lose weight and you have to eat their food.

I actually eat matzoh every day; I'm on a low-fat low-salt diet, but I
actually like it.  One of my cats also likes it; he likes plain rice
cakes as well.
znmeb (at) teleport(dot)COM (M. Edward Borasky)
How to Stop A Folksinger Cold # 2
"Are you going to Scarborough Fair?"

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