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Achinoam Nini Gil Dor translations

Here Are the translated poems.
These are original translations. Not taken from any book. I believe that does 
not infringe on
anyone's copyright.  Changes or clarifications to the translations are welcome. 
If I am incorrect in
my thinking I will withdraw them from the newsgroup.
                           I Poems by L Goldberg
Three Days

I        stand in the heart of the desert
I        haven't a single star
And the wind does not speak to me
And the sand does not keep my footprints


I called: "Answer me!"
It did not answer
I knocked: "Open for me!"
It did not open
Outside the evening was suffocating and blind
I went to knock on another gate

I whispered "Answer mel"
It did not answer
I begged "Open for me!"
It did not open

The sun rose on a dewless morning
And thus did the sentries of the wall find me.
For three days his memory did not leave me
And on the fourth day, I broke bread
And on the fourth, I opened a small window
And on the fourth, I saw the sea.

And on the fourth I knew that the sea
Was beautiful and its blue expanse
And the salty breeze, the smell of the sea,
Was not the cause (taste) of my tears.

Your presence and the nearby sea
Robbed my sleep.
The breath of your nose blew in from the sea
And penetrated, saltily, my house.

And waves in their surf (the surging waves)
rise with their cries
To the expanse of my love.
Come, (my) bride -

During a red moon facing the sea
Your blood flows.
During a red moon facing the sea
My blood and yours.
And the surging waves
Shout out, crying out,
Your name, your name, your name.   
Come, (my) bride.

How can I close my window
When the storm is near?
How can I close my window
When you are barefoot?
How can I close my window
When the sea calls?
How can I close my window
When you are awake?
And the owl from the depth of the night
Ruins by sleep?
Come (my) bride.

5. HE
You sent the owl to awaken me from sleep
You taught him to chirp words of love and plea,
But I will not come.

You sent me the scent of seaweed and the moon,
You commanded the sea to sigh in a voice of love and
But I will not come.

The waves kissed my legs (and) the hem of my white dress,
In your voice they told me: "come to me"
In a voice of love and pleading.

Song of the Night

It extinguished all the star
The moon was wrapped in black  (darkness),
>From north to south (Yemen)
Not a ray of light

And the morning is a faithfull widower
Girding his waist with grey sackcloth
>From north to south
Not a ray of light.

Please light a white candle
In the black tent of my heart
>From north to south
Light will shine.

The Light in Your Eyes

The smell of spring dew that rose from the paving stones,
The melody of headlights (flashlights?), the legend of the
violin (harp?),
The celestial stars that drowned in my sparkling cup,
All this I will remember.

Only I don't know if it was your gaze (look in your eyes)
That sparked a multitude of lightning flashes in me,
I won't know if I walked with you and to you
In streets filled with love.

It was spring and the laughter was hidden in each sprouting
And a covenant of blood and wine of
And everyone who gave me a        and yearning look
I believed he was you.

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