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Re: Recorded Material and Guest Hosts Needed

There is a lot of different recorded material.  Off the top of my head, I
can think of about quite a number of klezmer bands that have recorded in
the US in the past 20 years: Klezmorim, Brave Old World, Klezmatics, Andy
Statman, Maxwell St. Band, Klezmer Conservatory, Finjan (well, Canadian).
In addition, there is a vibrant orthodox musical tradition: Piamenta and
Mordechai Ben David come to mind. 
Henry Sapoznik at YIVO has engineered the re-release of early 20th century
American Klezmer recordings on cd.
The Workman's Circle in NYC has a catalogue, as does Tara Publications. 
IF you want the addresses, and more details, give me a holler (ie.
Dengura (at) aol(dot)com
dennis gura (dengura (at) aol(dot)com)

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