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Re: Amature Radio

A cypher of musical rhythms!

One of those things a composer can't resist!

In article <3p5kv2$4jm (at) panix3(dot)panix(dot)com>,
Israel Moskowitz <izm (at) panix(dot)com> wrote:
>In article <5fa_9505130732 (at) woodybbs(dot)com>,
>Michael Rotjan <Michael(dot)Rotjan (at) 
>f143(dot)n2625(dot)z1(dot)fidonet(dot)org> wrote:
##If any of you are amature radio operators and would like to set up a 
##QSO with me please email SPGT67D (at) PRODIGY(dot)COM
##                                73,
##                                KB2MJL

#.... ..       --  ...  -.-.  ....  .-   .  .-..
 h    i         m  s(oops) c  h     a    e   l

#..    .--  ---  ..-  .-..  -..  ...  -.- .  -..   
i      w    o     u    l    d      s   k  e  d

# .--  .. - ....   -.-- --- ..-
   w   i  t  h     y    o   u
#--...    ...--       -..  .      .--  .-  ..---  --..  -.-   --.
 7        3           (d   e)     w     a   2       z    k    g
 (greetings)          (from)

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