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Re: Jewish music theorists

Hi.  I guess I qualify!

AUTHOR: Hoffman, Stanley M.
TITLE: Extended Tonality and Voice Leading in Twelve Songs, Op. 27 by
       Alexander Zemlinsky
INSTITUTION: Brandeis University Department of Music, Slosberg Bldg., 415
             South Street, Waltham, MA 02254
BEGUN: September, 1990
COMPLETION: February, 1993
ABSTRACT: Alexander (von) Zemlinsky (1871-1942) was not only a renowned 
composer, but was also highly regarded as a conductor. Although he was 
Schoenberg's teacher and brother-in-law, and a friend to both Webern and 
Berg, Zemlinsky never composed twelve-tone music. His compositions reflect
an individualistic reaction to several of the prevailing modes of 
composition during a time of great political, social, and artistic
Zemlinsky's late compositions employ extended tonality and voice leading 
in a personal way. No published theoretical writings offer a detailed 
analytical approach to the mature compositions of this post-Romantic 
For this reason, as well as for the music's beauty and integrity of
craftsmanship I wrote on Zemlinsky's Twelve Songs, Op. 27 composed 
in the years 1937 and 1938. This work offers twelve microcosmic examples 
of his mature compositional style. Each song posesses unique musical 
qualities worthy of analysis. The major topic for discussion in this 
paper will be Zemlinsky's use of extended tonality, with considerable 
emphasis placed upon voice leading considerations. Other issues covered 
will include the contention that Op. 27 is a song cycle, not merely a 
set of twelve songs, and that tonal forces govern the organization of 
the piece as a whole. The form of each song, including phraseological 
interpretations, the possible expressive motivations behind the choice 
and ordering of the texts, and the word-painting will be addressed. In 
addition, differences between Zemlinsky's manuscript and the published 
score will be discussed.
KEYWORDS: tonality, modality, intervalic, phrasing, cyclic, word-painting
          African-American, Sanskrit, German, Jewish
TOC: Chapter 1 - Song 1, Chapter 2 - Songs 2-6, Chapter 3 - Songs 7-9,
Chapter 4 - Song 10, Chapter 5 - Song 11, Chapter 6 - Song 12
CONTACT: Stanley M. Hoffman
Fax: 617-437-0222
E-Mail: Smhoff (at) aol(dot)com
The UMI order number for this doctoral dissertation is 9317084

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