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Re: Anti-semitic posting

As has been stated several times, the posting was via a hacked account. 
The security problem at the site has been *dealt with*. The address was
*obviously* phony -- no one would be allowed to register a domain such as
"", "",", etc. 

The posting was made to *a lot of groups*, probably via Usenet. I'm not
sure that all of them were even Jewish-related groups. 

There is no way to prevent such things from happening, except by closing
the Usenet access, and turning the Jewish-Music group into a mailing list
to which only subscribers are allowed to post. This is feasible
technically, but there would have to be a consensus that this is

The mailing list could even be moderated, but I don't know whether anyone
would want that. Moderated groups have their problems: I have seen and
heard about difficulties in other groups which were moderated. These
problems include hard feelings about rejected posts (not like the
anti-Semitic one, but signed ones from real subscribers), idiosyncratic
decisions about what may or may not be posted, and long delays in posting
(because the moderator got behind). Furthermore, someone would have to be
willing to do this time-consuming job without compensation. 

I suspect *strongly* that the post was simply a hack, done to get people
upset, rather than as part of a conspiracy with more sinister goals. The
person has obviously achieved his purpose. That is unfortunate. The
"powers that be" on the Net have done what they can about this problem.
Now, why don't we get back to the real purpose of this group -- discussing

Hope Ehn                      <ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

Dennis and Hope Ehn are 2 different people sharing one account.
Hope is the author of "On-Line Resources for Classical & Academic Musicians."
Dennis does programming (mostly C++).
PLEASE don't get us confused!                                 :-)
<ehn (at) world(dot)std(dot)com>

On 3 May 1995, Fred Karp wrote:

> Could we have a statement of policy and method on the posting of 4/30
> 23:51?
> The same message appeared on soc.culture.jewish and had several follow-ups
> re: how the sender was removed.  Could we have a post or inclusion in a
> FAQ about who will deal with this in the future and how, whom to e-mail?
> b'Shalom

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