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Berlin's Yiddish Music Scene

For Your Files:

The other evening in NYC, I passed by a pub that was headlining Karsten
Troyke, a "rising star of Berlin's Yiddish music scene" (according to The
Wall Street Journal 3/17/95).  I didn't get to hear his whole set, but I
just thought I'd let you guys know that he is appearing around nyc.  He is
35 years of age, and East Berlin-born.  His Jewish father survived WW II
by purchasing Aryan papers.  In 1990, Karsten founded "Yiddish Anders"
which plays Yiddish folk songs.

P.S. - I recently saw Yale Strom's film, "The Last Klezmer."  I recommend
it highly. {I think that Yale's bands include Hot Pastrami and Zmiros}

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