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HELP!! I've lost my friend Allison

My name is Joakim Söderström and I live in Sweden.
For about 4 years ago I lost contact with my friend, by then we'd knewn
eachother nearly 10 years, so I'm sort of missing her.
IF there is someone out there who know a girl named:

Allison Frischkorn
blond with bluegreen eyes
and who used to live at 2522 LakevaleDr. vienna,VA
she got a younger sister (forgot her name)
Her father's named Alan.

Please let me know, and if it's possible I,ll be glad if she could contact
me by e-mail at stenarne (at) bahnhof(dot)se
or by
snailmail: Joakim Söderström
           Haspelvägen 18
           669 31 DEJE

P.S  The last time I heard from her was when she were on vacation in
Vail,Colorado. Summer of 90.

Miss you Allison...

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