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Re: guns 'n charoses-jewish parody cassette

In a previous posting, EdelmanM (edelmanm (at) aol(dot)com) writes:
> Let me know if you've heard about Guns 'N Charoses, a Jewish parody band,

very witty. no, haven't heard of themm, but want to.
A few years ago, buddies and mine made up lyrics for 
Guns N' Moses, though we never recorded anything.
Songs include:
Dancing with Rabbi Brownstone
Welcome to the Negev
13 Years (about a Bar Mitzvah ;)
Paradise (Jerusalem) City
Sweet Rabbi O' Mine,

I you are interested in the lyrics, e-mail me, and we can work out
some deal. I'd most likely just give them to you, as long as I get credit.



"If people don't want to come to the ballpark, how are you going to stop
them?"    Yoggi Berra
"They got the guns, but we got the numbers. Gonna make it babe in our
prime. Five to one, one in five ... no one here get's out alive."  Doors

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