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Passover Songs

Greetings fellow netters,  
This is a list of some Passover songs that I have collected.  They are
good for singing at your family seder (after at least the second cup!)  If
your have any others please send them to me.  Print this list out in two
column format (without these comments) and they will look nice.  Don't
forget to make enough copies for everyone around the table!  Have a good

Jerry Salem
jerry (at) slack(dot)med(dot)upenn(dot)edu

ps if anyone knows the tune of the last song 'Morror' please let me know!

The Ballad of the Four Sons
(sung to 'Clemintine')

Said the father to his children
"At the seder you will dine
you will eat your fill of Matzo
you will drink four cups of wine."

Now this father had no daughters
but his sons they numbered four
one was wise and one was wicked 
one was simple and a bore

And the fourth was sweet and winsome
He was young and he was small
while his brothers asked the questions
he could scarcely speak at all

Said the wise one to his father
"Would you please explain the Laws?
Of the customs of the seder
will you please explain the cause?"

And the father proudly answered 
"As our fathers ate in speed
ate the pascal lamb 'ere midnight
and from slavery were freed."

So we follow their example 
and 'ere midnight must complete
all the Seder, and should not
after twelve remain to eat

Then did sneer the son so wicked
"What does all this mean to you?"
And the father's voice was bitter
as his grief and anger grew

"If yourself you don't consider
as a Son of Israel
then for you this has no meaning
you could be a slave as well."

The simple son said simply
"What is this?"  and quietly
the good father told his offspring
"We were freed from slavery."

But the youngest son was silent
for he could not ask at all
his eyes were bright with wonder
as his father told him all

Now dear children heed the lesson
and remember 'evermore
What the father told the children
told his sons that numbered four.

Afikomen 'Round the Mountain

Afikomen 'round the mountain
when she comes ....
(1)   She'll be drinkin' Mogen David....
      slurp, slurp
(2)   She'll be burpin on charoses ......
      burp, burp
(3)   She'll be chewin' on a shank bone
      chomp, chomp
(4)   She'll be sleepin' off the matzos
      snoring sound

The Days of Wine and Charoses

The days of wine and charoses
are upon us now,
With good drink and chow.
There are fam-i-lies and
fun-- oh joy, oh joy.....
you've found the matzah now,
and grandma she is plowed.

The days of wine and charoses
show that spring is here
and its kinda queer,
that the food is different--
and there is no beer....

The days of wine and charoses
are dear....

Come Seder-day Morning

Come seder-day morning, I'm goin'
away with my friend,
We'll seder-day spend till the end
of the day.
Just Chaimy and me ...
We'll spend it with glee in the
family tree.
And Chaimy and me
We'll forever free be long after
seder-day's gone.

Haggadah Wash that Man Right out of my Hair

Hagadah wash that man right out of my hair
Because he's full of chometz
but he doesn't care.
That it's a custom now to be rid of that snare,
I'll send him on his way.

Haggadah drink my wine and feel real free,
Haggadah eat charosez, matzah and tea,
Haggadah keep the seder, with joy and glee.
I really love that day!!

He doesn't like gefilte fish,
eat it up, eat it up.
He doesn't like the matzah dish
Heat it up, heat it up.
can't wait for him to change --
Hey buddy... (repeat 1st verse).


Moror is the bitterness the world has known,
But in Canada we need not moan.
Moror were the ghettos of across the sea,
But here we habitate a land that's free.
Moror on the table, we are sure and
we're able to look forward to many 
types of joy - oh boy-oi-oi-oi...
Moror is the bitter herb upon our plate,
And if we were sober we would palitate
Moror is the answer for the schnorer,
who is rich or poorer --
Why can't we love forever .....Moror!

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