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Senior Recital (Manhattan

On Monday, April 3rd 1995, the graduating class of the Cantors Institute 
of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America will perform their Senior 
Recital.  The Recital starts at 7:30 P.M., at the J.T.S.A., 3080 
Broadway, N.Y.C.

The three seniors, Larry Goller, Yacov Ephron and Henrique Ozur Bass, 
will perform a full range of vocal music, from Brazilian to Cantorial.  
The program includes songs in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Italian, French 
and Portuguese.

A reception will follow the event.

P.S.  Look forward to seeing you there

Henrique Ozur Bass                      Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Cantorial Student                       21 Pilgrim Lane
hebass (at) JTSA(dot)EDU                        Westbury, NY 11


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